Welcoming a Yorkshire Terrier puppy into your home is a joyous occasion filled with new experiences and challenges. The initial three weeks of a Yorkie newborn’s life are crucial for their development and health. During this tender phase, your nurturing plays a pivotal role in ensuring they thrive and grow into happy, healthy dogs.

This guide, “Nurturing Yorkie Newborns: Essential Care Tips for the First 3 Weeks,” is crafted to equip you with the knowledge and tips necessary to provide the best care for your little companion. From nutrition to hygiene, socialization to health checks, we’ve got you covered as you embark on this beautiful journey of puppy parenthood.

Key Takeaways

Development Stage Key Recommendations
Newborn to 3 Weeks Monitor weight, ensure dam’s hydration, observe puppies’ feeding, and address hypoglycemia if necessary.
4 to 5 Weeks Begin weaning, introduce solid foods, and initiate housebreaking with indoor methods.
6 Weeks Encourage exploration, puppy-proof the home, and prepare for initial vaccinations.

Newborn to three weeks old

A weight rise of 2–20 grams on the first day is average for puppies. Puppy weight loss should be monitored closely. At roughly ten days, a puppy’s weight should have doubled from its birth weight.

It is crucial to think about the nursing dam’s nutritional needs. Keep stuffing the dam with tasty treats. Lack of hydration may reduce her milk production. Therefore, a steady supply of clean water is essential.

You’ll monitor the dam’s health and well-being throughout the first three to four weeks.

She’ll take care of their hygiene and feeding needs as well. Suppose one of your newborn Yorkie puppies is having trouble going to the mother for milk or is being pushed away by the others. In that case, you may temporarily separate the litter to give the struggling puppy some opportunity to nurse in peace.

Hypoglycemia in Yorkie Puppies

A puppy may need to be bottle-fed if it is too weak to breastfeed due to being underweight. Or if the dam is sick or rejects them, it rarely happens.

Puppies are susceptible to Hypoglycemia if they are not fed regularly (a fast drop in blood sugar level). Weakness, weight loss, fainting, and disorientation are symptoms; coma and death ensue if the condition is not addressed.
Nails should be clipped such sharp claw tips don’t rip at the dam.

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Housebreaking Yorkie Puppies: Using Newspaper and Positive Reinforcement

Puppies at this age are getting very energetic and mobile. The time has come for you to open your eyes. Let the pups out of the whelping box to play and use the bathroom is essential. Preferably, lay down a sheet of newspaper that’s twice as big as the whelping box. Maintain a clean and fresh-smelling bed in the whelping box; however, you need to periodically replace the newspaper on the bed.

Why? Because the puppy will associate the paper with relieving themselves, and the smell will teach him to do so. They rapidly acquire a sense of smell and begin to comprehend where to go for bathroom breaks; typically, by week three, they have mastered the skill and are going outdoors independently. This young puppy should not be allowed to play outdoors.

In the first three weeks after birth, when the puppies’ bladder and bowel muscles have not fully developed, the dam instinctively licks each one to encourage excretion.

They are growing more social and playful with their littermates, as well as more aware of their surroundings and developing a little vocabulary. Little ones may experiment with barking at this age as they explore their vocal centers.

See our post on: What to do when your Yorkie Puppy barks all night

Newborn Yorkie pups may start to play with toys as early as three weeks of age. Puppies at this age may benefit from having something to nibble on when their milk teeth begin to emerge.

It’s OK to provide the first deworming treatment. Get the OK from your dog’s vet before proceeding. The health and size of the puppy will determine the answer to this question.

Yorkshire Terrier Puppies, Ages 4 to 5 Weeks

These infants will start weaning at the appropriate time. Four weeks after birth is an excellent time to introduce solid foods to newborns.

While it may seem early, housebreaking a Yorkie puppy may start at five weeks. Many breeders begin this process, but often inside using pee pads or newspapers rather than the outdoors, to give new owners a “head start” on housebreaking.

The dam wants her space, and the infants are wide awake and curious. Sleep is still required, but they will play for hours while they are up.

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Each puppy has to be handled and petted every day. It’s a crucial step in developing inPuppies will examine everything within their grasp, including tumbling over each other, wrestling, nipping their other (often with the dam stepping in if it becomes too violent), and sniffing out new smells.

Interpersonal skills and overcoming sensitivity to touch

Puppies benefit from being socialized early on by being handled often and having their mouths, teeth, and paws touched. This prepares the dog to thrive as a part of its new family and brings everyone joy.

Also, a baby should be progressively introduced to everyday household sounds, such as a TV on at a reasonable volume, a radio, or a dishwasher. Thus, they may go about the day without being easily surprised.

We can finish the second round of deworming immediately. As with the first, you should wait for your vet’s OK before doing this again since the right timing will depend on the puppy’s size, health, and development.

At the Age of 6 Weeks

Around six weeks of age, a Yorkie’s eyes and ears are completely formed. The puppy is still too young to recognize its name, but it’s getting there. Significant changes are coming, so it’s good to say the word often.

At this age, a Yorkie’s natural curiosity will drive them to want to see more of the world than the one room they’ve spent most of their life in thus far.

Puppy will soon be completely weaned off milk and onto a diet of 80 percent solid food and 20 percent fluids.

The milk supply from the dam will drop significantly. A “canine ‘bra” may be an option to try if it seems like the puppies are nursing from her too often.

Reduced milk production means mom can spend more time playing with her pups, but she still needs time to herself now that the puppies are older. Attempting to “push” feedings on her as her output declines would be stressful for her body. She’ll need and crave some alone time away from the litter.

6 week yorkie

A 6-week-old should be encouraged to explore their environment by walking and sniffing about the house.
They have to be monitored…
Nonetheless, it’s recommended that you “puppy-proof” your house before bringing a new puppy inside.
The easiest way to do this is to examine each space from the floor up…
In other words, what can you get to? Just what may be used as a chewing object? What deserves a better rank, and what doesn’t?

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The puppy’s owner should still clean it with a warm, gentle washcloth. Despite this, it is nearly time to start administering baths or caring for one’s hygiene.

The initial vaccinations for your Yorkie puppy should be given between 6 and 7 weeks. It will be a vaccination against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza, and coronavirus, all in one convenient dose.


As your Yorkie puppy reaches 6 weeks of age, it’s essential to encourage their exploration while ensuring their safety by puppy-proofing your home. Keeping up with their hygiene through gentle cleaning and preparing for their first vaccinations is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Following these essential care tips can help your furry friend thrive and grow into a happy and healthy adult.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I ensure my Yorkie puppy is gaining enough weight?

Regular weight monitoring, especially during the first three weeks.

How do I prevent hypoglycemia in my Yorkie puppy?

Ensure regular feeding, and consult a vet if symptoms like weakness or disorientation appear.

When should I introduce solid foods to my Yorkie puppy?

Solid foods can be introduced around four weeks of age, gradually transitioning from mother’s milk.

How can I safely encourage my Yorkie puppy to explore?

Puppy-proof the home to ensure a safe environment for exploration, and monitor their activities.

When should my Yorkie puppy receive their first vaccinations?

Initial vaccinations are typically given between 6 and 7 weeks of age, with vet consultation.

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