
Yorkies are a popular breed of dog, and for good reason. They are small, affectionate, and relatively easy to train. However, Yorkies can also be a bit of a handful, especially if they don’t have enough to do. If you’re looking for ways to keep your Yorkie entertained indoors, here are a few ideas:

Key Takeaways

Activity Benefits
Playing with Toys Keeps your Yorkie entertained, provides mental stimulation, and helps to relieve boredom
Going for Walks Exercises your Yorkie, provides mental stimulation, and helps to socialize your Yorkie with other dogs
Training Teaches your Yorkie new commands, helps to build a bond between you and your Yorkie, and helps to keep your Yorkie from misbehaving
Socializing with Other Dogs Helps to socialize your Yorkie with other dogs, reduces the risk of aggression, and helps to keep your Yorkie from becoming bored
Giving Your Yorkie a Job to Do Provides mental stimulation and helps to keep your Yorkie from becoming bored
Playing Hide-and-Seek Provides mental stimulation and helps to keep your Yorkie from becoming bored
Having a Puppy Party Provides social interaction for your Yorkie, helps to relieve boredom, and can be a lot of fun

Activity 1: Playing with Toys

Yorkies are very playful dogs, so they love to play with toys. There are a variety of different toys that you can get for your Yorkie, including balls, plush toys, and interactive toys. When you’re playing with your Yorkie, make sure to use a lot of praise and encouragement. This will help to build your bond with your dog and make them more excited to play.

Activity 2: Going for Walks

Even though Yorkies are small dogs, they still need to get exercise. Taking your Yorkie for a walk is a great way to get them some exercise and mental stimulation. When you’re walking your Yorkie, make sure to keep the leash short and be aware of your surroundings. You don’t want your Yorkie to run off and get lost.

Activity 3: Training

Training your Yorkie is a great way to keep them mentally stimulated and to build a bond with them. There are a variety of different things that you can train your Yorkie to do, such as sit, stay, come, and fetch. When you’re training your Yorkie, make sure to use positive reinforcement and be patient. Your Yorkie will learn quickly if you’re consistent with your training.

Activity 4: Socializing with Other Dogs

Yorkies are social creatures, so they love to play with other dogs. If you have another dog, or if you know someone who has a dog, try to arrange for your Yorkie to play with them on a regular basis. This will help to keep your Yorkie socialized and to prevent them from becoming bored or lonely.

Activity 5: Giving Your Yorkie a Job to Do

Yorkies are intelligent dogs, so they love to have a job to do. You can give your Yorkie a job by teaching them to fetch, carry things, or even help you with chores around the house. This will help to keep your Yorkie mentally stimulated and will give them a sense of purpose.

Activity 6: Playing Hide-and-Seek

Playing hide-and-seek is a great way to get your Yorkie some exercise and mental stimulation. This game is also a lot of fun for both you and your dog. To play hide-and-seek, simply hide somewhere in your house and call your Yorkie’s name. When they find you, give them a treat and lots of praise.

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Activity 7: Having a Puppy Party

If you have a few friends who have Yorkies, you can have a puppy party. This is a great way for your Yorkie to socialize with other dogs and to get some exercise. When you’re having a puppy party, make sure to have plenty of toys for the dogs to play with and to supervise them at all times.

Activity 1: Playing with Toys

Why it’s important: Playing with toys is a great way for Yorkies to get exercise, relieve boredom, and bond with their owners.

What to do: There are many different types of toys that Yorkies can enjoy playing with. Some popular options include balls, plush toys, squeaky toys, and interactive toys. When choosing toys for your Yorkie, it’s important to select toys that are the right size and made from safe materials.


  • Rotate your Yorkie’s toys so that they don’t get bored with them.
  • Play with your Yorkie for at least 20 minutes each day.
  • Encourage your Yorkie to play with their toys by themselves.

Activity 2: Going for Walks

Going for walks is a great way to exercise your Yorkie and give them some mental stimulation. When you go for walks, make sure to keep the following things in mind:

  • Start slowly. Don’t try to go for a long walk right away. Start with short walks and gradually increase the distance and duration over time.
  • Choose a safe route. Make sure the route you choose is free of hazards, such as sharp objects or loose gravel.
  • Bring water. It’s important to bring water for your Yorkie when you go for walks, especially on hot days.
  • Watch for signs of fatigue. If your Yorkie starts to pant heavily, becomes lethargic, or refuses to walk, it’s time to head home.

Going for walks is a great way to bond with your Yorkie and give them a healthy outlet for their energy. By following these tips, you can make sure that your walks are safe and enjoyable for both of you.

Activity 3: Training

Training your Yorkie is an important way to keep them entertained and to ensure that they are well-behaved. There are many different things that you can train your Yorkie to do, such as sit, stay, come, and fetch. Training your Yorkie can also help to strengthen your bond with them and to make them a more obedient companion.

Here are some tips for training your Yorkie:

  • Start training your Yorkie early, when they are still a puppy.
  • Make training sessions short and fun.
  • Use positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, to reward your Yorkie for good behavior.
  • Be patient and consistent with your training.

If you are having trouble training your Yorkie, you can always consult with a professional dog trainer.

Activity 4: Socializing with Other Dogs

Socializing with other dogs is an important part of keeping your Yorkie happy and healthy. Dogs are social animals, and they need to interact with other dogs in order to stay mentally and physically stimulated.

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There are a few different ways to socialize your Yorkie with other dogs. You can:

  • Take your Yorkie to the dog park. This is a great way for your Yorkie to meet new dogs and play off-leash. Just be sure to keep an eye on your Yorkie and make sure that he or she is playing well with the other dogs.
  • Join a dog club or training class. This is a great way for your Yorkie to learn new skills and socialize with other dogs in a structured environment.
  • Find a dog-friendly friend or neighbor with a dog. This is a great way for your Yorkie to get one-on-one socialization with another dog.

When socializing your Yorkie with other dogs, it is important to:

  • Start slowly and gradually.
  • Make sure that your Yorkie is comfortable with the other dog before you let them interact.
  • Supervise your Yorkie at all times and intervene if there is any sign of aggression.

By following these tips, you can help your Yorkie to socialize with other dogs and have a happy and healthy life.

Activity 5: Giving Your Yorkie a Job to Do

Giving your Yorkie a job to do can help to keep them entertained and engaged, and it can also help to strengthen your bond with them. Here are a few ideas for jobs that you can give your Yorkie:

  • Teaching them to fetch a ball or other object
  • Teaching them to sit, stay, come, or other commands
  • Teaching them to walk on a leash or in a harness
  • Teaching them to play hide-and-seek
  • Teaching them to do tricks

When you’re giving your Yorkie a job to do, it’s important to make sure that the job is appropriate for their age, size, and skill level. You should also make sure that the job is something that they enjoy doing.

Giving your Yorkie a job to do can be a great way to improve their quality of life and strengthen your bond with them.

Activity 6: Playing Hide-and-Seek

Hide-and-seek is a great way to get your Yorkie’s mind and body moving. It’s also a fun way to bond with your dog and build your relationship. To play hide-and-seek, you’ll need to:

  • Find a safe place to play, such as a room in your house or yard.
  • Have your Yorkie sit or stay in one spot.
  • Hide yourself somewhere in the room.
  • Call your Yorkie’s name and encourage him to find you.
  • When your Yorkie finds you, give him a treat and praise him.

You can make the game more challenging by hiding in different places each time or by having your Yorkie stay hidden for longer periods of time. You can also play hide-and-seek with multiple people, so that your Yorkie has to find everyone.

Playing hide-and-seek is a great way to keep your Yorkie entertained and exercised. It’s also a fun way to bond with your dog and build your relationship.

Activity 7: Having a Puppy Party

Having a puppy party is a great way to socialize your Yorkie and give them a chance to play with other dogs. It’s also a fun way for you to get together with other dog owners and socialize yourself.

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When planning a puppy party, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to make sure that the party is held in a safe environment where your Yorkie can run and play without getting hurt. Second, you need to invite dogs that are similar in size and energy level to your Yorkie. Third, you need to make sure that you have plenty of food and water available for the dogs.

Here are some tips for throwing a successful puppy party:

  • Choose a safe location. Make sure that the party is held in a fenced-in area where your Yorkie can run and play without getting hurt.
  • Invite dogs that are similar in size and energy level. This will help to ensure that the dogs get along and have a fun time playing together.
  • Have plenty of food and water available. Dogs can get dehydrated quickly, so make sure that you have plenty of food and water available for them throughout the party.
  • Keep an eye on your Yorkie. Make sure that your Yorkie is not getting too rough with the other dogs. If you see any signs of aggression, remove your Yorkie from the party immediately.
  • Have fun! Puppy parties are a great way to socialize your Yorkie and make new friends.


Engaging in indoor activities is vital for a Yorkie’s mental and physical well-being, especially when outdoor excursions aren’t possible. Creative yorkie indoor activities can range from interactive playtime to training sessions that keep their minds sharp. To ensure their safety indoors, consider the best wireless dog fence for Yorkies. Additionally, incorporating knowledge about Yorkies’ physical characteristics into playtime can help in choosing activities that are both enjoyable and suitable for their size and abilities. Also, understanding the nuances of teacup Yorkies, if you have one, is crucial for tailoring activities to their specific needs.

Here are some key takeaways from this article:

  • Yorkies need daily exercise, even if it’s just a short walk around the block.
  • Yorkies love to play games, so make sure to have plenty of toys on hand.
  • Yorkies are social creatures, so it’s important to socialize them with other dogs and people.
  • Yorkies can be trained to do tricks, which can be a fun and rewarding activity for both you and your dog.

By following these tips, you can help your Yorkie to live a long, happy, and healthy life.

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